TCM TCM is a complete system of medicine with over a 5000 year old history. It is based on five interdependent branches to cure, prevent disease and enhance personal wellness.
5 Branches of TCM
 | Exercise
The importance of exercise in personal health cannot be overstated. The ancient Chinese knew this. They may not have had air conditioned health clubs or hot yoga classes, but exercise was placed as the first branch to emphasize the importance of bodily movement and clarity of mind.
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 | Nutrition
The branch of nutrition in TCM is so central to personal health. Our food choices can create balance and health. Likewise, choosing too much or the wrong kinds of foods over the long term can create imbalance and disease.
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 | Acupuncture / Moxibustion
The use of acupuncture has a long history in the prevention and curing disease. Increasingly, acupuncture is being used around the world to successfully treat complex disease patterns that bio-medicine has little or no success with.
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 | Herbal medicine
Herbology, or the use of plants and natural substances for healing, has a long history within TCM. The use of plants as medicine is a huge field of study and professional practice.
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 | Structural Medicine
The last branch of TCM is structural medicine which includes any manual therapy like cupping, gua sha, physiotherapy, chiropractic care, bone setting, and massage.
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